Planned gifts offer benefits that can include increased income, substantial tax savings, a tailored opportunity to meet your philanthropic goals, and the satisfaction of making a very significant gift to CRFI during your lifetime.
Bequests, Charitable Gift Annuities, Charitable Remainder Unitrusts, Charitable Remainder Annuity Trusts, and Life Insurance are some of the vehicles commonly used to make Planned Gifts.
Bequests are the most common Planned Gift, providing an easy way to include CFRI as a beneficiary in your Will or Living Trust. A simple document requiring no special financial or technical expertise, your designated bequest amount would come directly to CFRI, tax-free to your heirs and CFRI, at the time of your passing.
CFRI would be happy to provide you with sample language to construct your bequest according to your personal preferences and financial situation, and recommends you consult with your financial advisor and attorney in preparing this document.
Donor Advised Funds
Welcome financial advisors and donors!
Financial advisors, as your clients seek advice and counsel, please consider recommending CFRI as a beneficiary. CFRI can answer your questions and provide further information for individual donors, families, advisors, and financial institutions.
Donors, CFRI thanks you for your interest in making a gift to CFRI from your Donor Advised Fund (DAF). Your DAF gift may be unrestricted, or, should you prefer, CFRI will happily honor your designated preferred area(s) including research, education, advocacy and support. In addition, your gift may be in honor or in memory of a loved one.
Making a DAF gift to CFRI is entirely free of cost, as neither the current participating funds (Fidelity Charitable, Schwab Charitable, BNY Mellon and Great Kansas City Community Foundation) nor CFRI charge any fees to send or receive your gift!
We are fortunate to serve those with CF locally, nationally and internationally, providing resources and support to our diverse CF community.
For more information, please contact
Mary Convento, CFRI Programs and Finance Supervisor or 650.665.7559